Saturday, March 13, 2010

German Franks at Home

My family would often engage on some German Franks every time we go out, especially when we go window shopping or just having a relaxing stroll at the mall. Today, instead of ordering some, we went straight to the grocery store and bought a pack of German Franks, hot dog buns, cheese, and lettuce.
It's better to make our own hotdog sandwiches. Adding lettuce made our sandwiches healthier. I didn't consider putting mayo anymore, the mustard, tomato catsup and cheese will do. It's more than enough compared to the ones we buy at the mall.
Mustard, mustard, mustard! it's all mustard for me!
The fun of having hotdog sandwiches at home is being able to prepare according to your preference. We have plain with cheese, mustard and cheese, mustard, catsup and cheese!

A perfect weekend snack for the family! Happy Weekend everyone!


♥peachkins♥ said...

Those hotdog sandwiches look super yummy!

Ladynred said...

Homemade hotdogs are better ksi you can put anything you want. looks yummy! Perfect for lunch..

Clarissa said...

Nothing beats foodies that made at home,made with love kasi di bah at masarap pa!!