Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Genghis Khan

I made this dish out of curiosity. Just a few weeks ago, I was enjoying an International Buffet with my family. I was going through everything, and a dish called Genghis Khan caught my attention. As a food lover, I was also distinguishing the flavors. Believe me, it was served and presented like our ordinary braised beef and it looked plain like our regular beef steak without the onions.
enchie’s kitchen
A strong name for a simple looking dish, what more can you do but to try it yourself and find out what makes it different. I really mean it: you will be able to tell and distinguish the extraordinaryness of this dish once you have tasted it. Often prepared and cooked using a metal skillet inspired by a Mongolian Soldier's helmet, also known as the Mongolian, Barbecue Grill. Usually served with mixed  vegetables and noodles or may top  your hot rice.

I don't have my own recipe to share for this dish (promise I will work on it).

For now, this will do:Genghis Khan Recipe