Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ginger Rice

If there's something I learned from my On The Job Training 10 years ago, Ginger Rice was one of them. It was one of the main rice courses the guests and clients are always looking for in that particular 5 Star hotel.  Luckily, after my restaurant training, I was assigned at the kitchen of that very same restaurant and it was time to discover the magic that was happening in order to serve scrumptious dishes everyday. The chefs were not allowed to give it's trainees the secret recipe,  so I became more observant of the ingredients and the process. 

Today, I will share my own recipe on how to whip up this healthy rice dish.

Note: The recipe I will be posting is far different in order to protect the hotel's menu and it's business.

Simple Ingredients:
  • Your regular rice
  • Ginger- may be crushed, sliced, chopped or minced (equivalent to 1 tablespoon)
  • Dash of Turmeric (luyang dilaw)
How To: Boil them all together

Trivia: Turmeric is also from the Ginger family. Turmeric is used as a spice in South Asian and Middle Eastern cooking.
One of the healthy use of Ginger is to  lower cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of blood clots. And it's been proven. Here's more about the Health Benefits of Ginger.

Tomorrow, I will be cooking a different version of Ginger Rice, watch out for it.


♥peachkins♥ said...

will certainly be watching out for it....

redkathy said...

I love rice and ginger. Can't wait to see the next one!

elpi said...

can't wait to try it. .looks delicious!