Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Most Wonderful Time In November

We all get excited as our birthdays approaches right? We think of presents, parties, food, family and friends together. As a matter of fact, it's like Christmas, only, the celebrant is the center of everything, she/he will be receiving all the gifts. But with all that was mentioned, as always, I never really require so much to celebrate. I grew up with simple gatherings and most of them were celebrated with my family and few of my close friends. Right now, I feel very excited, because in a few weeks it is going to be my birthday. Another opportunity to give thanks for the graces I received from the past, blessings to come, to ask for strength and patience for the challenges that I need to conquer.
Turning 32 is not a big deal for me. As long as I'm living the life my Creator wanted me to have, age are just digits. Numbers that we can even change and manipulate. But if we talk about peace of mind and happiness, that would be the true gauge if a person is fulfilled as he or she celebrates his/ her birthday every year. Let's stop the drama here and on with my birthday plans. 
First thing that I will do as I wake up early the day of my birth is to hear mass with my family. My husband and my son are the most precious gifts that was given to me. It is important for me to show Him how happy I am with my 2 boys, how He made my life meaningful through them.
As always, I spend the whole day doing whatever we want. Oh by the way, my Canon Camera is turning 2 on the day of my birthday too. It was a gift from my husband in 2008. Since so much has changed, I would also like to share that blogging became more interesting when I started sharing occasions like these. I remember, the reason I asked for a DSLR  was to be able to deliver clearer pictures to my readers, right between introducing myself to blog advertising and websitehosting.
My camera was the only material thing I requested for my birthday throughout my 20-25 years. When it was given to me, I couldn't ask for anything more. With that, nothing big is expected for my birthday this year.  Just dinner at my favorite restaurant, maybe do a little shopping, a little sightseeing,  a new reading would be great too. Let's just wait and see (wink!)

1 comment:

daphne said...

happy birthday Ms. Enchie!! have a great year ahead of you. Your husband and your son, wow! so sweet. It's really not a big deal to grow old as long as your contented and happy with your family. 32 is a good age, your young and lucky. God bless and stay happy