Sunday, January 18, 2009

Berry Picking

This is definitely one of my dreams---to experience Berry Picking with my family. My husband amazes me with stories he experienced, growing up travelling. Apple picking, pumpkin picking and the likes. Surely, it is something that every little kid will enjoy and remember. In the Philippines, it is not a usual thing. The only available Berry we have are Strawberries, maybe some Blueberries or blackberries, which will only be found in Northern part of the country. And you can't just pick them up, mostly are provided by privately owned farms. And are being sold for a very high price.
Just the other night, I was watching this lifestyle show online. That made me share my cravings to have a Berry Picking adventure. Part showed that berries of Raspberry, Blueberry and Dewberry are very abundant in the forest of Ontario Canada. Which the locals use as preserves, pies and for other sweet delights.
I'll be honest, one berry I am dying to taste are fresh Raspberries. Blueberry cakes and cookies are being sold everywhere. But still, I wouldn't mind having some fresh and taste the difference. I would like mine mixed with other fresh fruits, chocolate coated or topped on any pastry of my choice. Yummy!

-more here-
photos: google images


Anonymous said...

kakainggit no, ako rin i would love to experience picking berries.

please visit me here and let me know what you think. :D


nanaygin said...

I'm not sure if it's still done now a days, but when I was younger, I remember going in Quezon and Laguna to do mango picking. So is picking some citrus fruits. But yah, you're only allowed to do so if you're buying large number of fruits.