Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This Is How You Gotta Do It

We all know that bloggers everywhere are concerned with their site's page ranking. I am one of them. I never really knew the value of having good site traffic until Sweet Nothings got a PR3 last December. Everyone was really excited congratulating me. Well in fact, I had no idea what PR stands for. I researched on it via Google and finally, I was able to understand. Honestly, I doubled my effort in order to maintain that Pagerank. Later on Google took it away, and I had to do another research to find out why my site was back to 0.
I went back to my usual blogging pace. Until now, I'm still down to 0. But it doesn't bother me at all. I mean, I started making blogs without it. I decided to just continue sharing the Sweet Nothings life gave me, regardless of what PR I have. Maybe one of these days a no. 2 or 3 will just pop-up. It is what I'm actually doing with my food blog, I'm just going with the flow.

Original Content is the no.1 factor for a successful site. It is always best to post words and pictures created by the author/ owner of the blog. Most sites are categorized as personal blogs. Which means you tell stories about our life, your experiences, your dreams, your goals and future perspectives. With these, it is easier to get readers, especcially the ones who can connect with your entries. You don't need to invent write-ups or even copy ideas somewhere in order to create an entry.

Let me share these 3 important points to remember: Google took action against domains who tried to rank more highly by just showing scraped or other auto-generated pages that don't add any value to users.

Examples include:

Thin affiliate sites: These sites collect pay-per-click (PPC) revenue by sending visitors to the sites of affiliate programs, while providing little or no value-added content or service to the user. These sites usually have no original content and may be cookie-cutter sites or templates with no unique content.

Doorway pages: Pages created just for search engines
Auto-generated content: Content generated programatically. Often this will consist of random paragraphs of text that make no sense to the reader but that may contain search keywords.

Scraped content: Some webmasters make use of content taken from other, more reputable sites on the assumption that increasing the volume of web pages with random, irrelevant content is a good long-term strategy. Purely scraped content, even from high-quality sources, may not provide any added value to your users without additional useful services or content provided by your site. It's worthwhile to take the time to create original content that sets your site apart. This will keep your visitors coming back and will provide useful search results.


Clarissa said...

Thanks for sharing,Mommy Enchie!!I don't know myself about the PR thingy.Are they important even for those who don't make paid posts like me?

Enchie said...

Hi Clarissa! I don't really know if has bearing even if you don't do paid ads. But when I started, wala naman akong alam din tungkol sa PR. I guess it doesn't matter, basta all you wanna do is to share your stories ;)

But if you get PR 3 and above, its very tempting to do paid ads, they offer big kasi.