Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Diwal is a known shellfish to be found at the waters of Western Visayas, more at the Panay Island area here in the Philippines. My Dad flew in some from his hometown in Iloilo. Still alive and spurting out seawater.
In the city of Roxas in Iloilo, they celebrate the DIWAL HARVEST SEAFOOD FESTIVAL. Diwals are harvested 25 feet under. You will dig your arms 2 feet more in order to get this Angel wing seashell. Diwal is Visayan for tongue. Because of its protruding mussel that looks like a tongue sticking out, it was then named DIWAL.

Diwal became almost extinct in the coastal waters of Western Visayas because of over harvesting and trawling by locals who found a lucrative business in selling diwal. The shell's ability to command a high retail price is due largely to the people's rising demand for it because of its sweet taste and tender mussel texture when broiled. The local government of Roxas City, to celebrate the re-emergence of diwal in its coastal waters, held the first and only Diwal Harvest Seafood Festival in the country.-source-
Taste like oyster and mussle combined. It was very rich. Broiled with lots of chopped ginger, garlic, some salt and pepper. To be able to appreciate its flavor, it is best eaten plain without any condiments. You will surely enjoy this rare delicatessen.


Lulu said...

this looks really yummy... hubby loves this... actually he especially loves the shell soup as he calls it

jenaih said...

Roxas the capital city of CAPIZ...