Tuesday, January 26, 2010

On Maintaining Our Home

My family's moving to a new place. This is one of the dilemma's my family would always get into. It's fun sharing some points on redoing our home. We found it hard to look for the perfect house and condo unit, or at least something that fits our criteria. Most of the places that we saw had problems with the structure itself. Cracks, holes and stains. We had to look on some homeowners insurance quotes. I got pretty excited when we found out that we can have the place fixed according to what we want and how it should look.

I have plans for our kitchen, the dining area, the living room and of course, the master's bedroom. We opted to get a smaller place so we can decorate it properly without putting to much appliances or go over with the decorations.

With this, I've been thinking if I should add home and living to this food blog. I saw the flexibility of having a food blog. This may involve our dining set-up, kitchen must-haves and designs. There's a lot to choose from. But it's still just a thought as of the moment. It's not easy to redo everything. But then, my site's title has it "From My Kitchen and Beyond".

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