Saturday, November 28, 2009

Shifting To A More Healthy Lifestyle

As a stay at home mom, I have been very open to changing our lifestyle. With the fast-food we eat, the instant meals, and preservatives. It's up to us moms how to be able to serve a well-balanced meal all the time. But sometimes, I view the process a bit hard. Sometimes, I see that producing healthy dishes is quite a challenge, because everything is natural.

For the past 2 years, I have been reliable on easy recipes. My food blog is based on that too. But if you're going to look at it and take time, preparing an all-natural dish is easy. Just recently, I found a great website that has the answer to my small kitchen situation. shares both easy and healthy recipes. A complete set of menu that is compose of healthy recipes. There's a lot of easy recipes to choose from. Everyday is going to be healthy for the family. If you're a member, you can also share some of your recipes. Even dishes passed down from one generation to another.

This site is an answer sent from heaven. Imagine, I will never go browse for random websites hoping to get an easy, healthy recipe dish. They have food from all categories, delights that will satisfy the palette. Aside from the main recipe, nutritional facts/ food facts for the ingredients are also shared. For me, food facts is an outstanding criteria. I would often struggle thinking about the nutritional content of a dish. Which I think plays a vital role with the food we eat everyday.


Catherine said...

Sounds like a great website! I am so happy you're changing to a healthier menu! Cheers to you friend!

Sara said...
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