Monday, November 2, 2009

Managing Acne

Breaking out has always been part of our cycle. It may vary from hereditary reasons or just acquired. At the age of 19 years old, I started having pimples. Which was later on, considered as acne. I ate a lot of nuts and sweets that worsen everything. During our regular medical check-up, the school doctor advised me to get Benzoyl Peroxide treatment. Benzoyl Peroxide is a chemical that is very common in acne treatments both over-the-counter as well as prescription. I didn't go for this treatment as what my parents suggested. My skin break-out was caused by taking-in certain food that aren't healthy. Acne Cream was the safest option for me.

There are several ways and treatments for acne. Acne treatments saves your skin for further damage. Treatments will also make room for skin improvement and preservation. Consulting your dermatologist will secure the treatment of your choice.

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